The Training Tablet
This page will contain thoughts, ideas and concepts of training

Saddle your horse politely.
Your saddle and stirrups shouldn't clunk or come crashing down on your horses back.
Use a swing to place the saddle and you can place the heaviest saddle upon the top of the largest horse with skill.
Skill is something that must be learned. Your horse should be important enough for you to want to learn this skill!
Saddling with a clunk is like having someone open the door for you, only to slam it into you while you walk through!
Your saddle and stirrups shouldn't clunk or come crashing down on your horses back.
Use a swing to place the saddle and you can place the heaviest saddle upon the top of the largest horse with skill.
Skill is something that must be learned. Your horse should be important enough for you to want to learn this skill!
Saddling with a clunk is like having someone open the door for you, only to slam it into you while you walk through!

The Horsemanship Stick and Flag is a communication tool that your horse should not be completely "desensitized" with. You'll want to be able to use this tool effectively to put a little fire back into their feet. If we over desensitize a horse, then you really have to do a lot to get them to move when asking for more than the usual. This is a great tool after some of the foundation has been laid and things are going great at a slow speed.
~Sheri Roberson